Monday, May 12, 2008

The God Chasers

The God Chasers Seminar with Tommy Tenney

Saturday Event,10/05/08:

This Saturday,I was waken up by Joy calling my hp.Thanks sista,for waking me up...

I reached EXPO at around 2pm and waited Andrew for my ticket was with him.After around 2.30pm,Joy came down from the shuttle bus and also accompanied me waiting for Andrew.After which,we went in first with free tickets outside giving.

Before we went in,Joy passed me things and will uploaded the photo later on.

After the event,we took shuttle bus to Simei and after that we walked to Tampines and had our dinner over there.After which,we waited for shuttle bus to IKEA and then back to Tampines station.Joy accompained me.After which,I took train to City Hall as I mit Priscilla at City Hall.

When I reached City Hall,we walked to Bukit Merah and stayed there at the Mac and then we walked back to Priscilla's house at Lavender and then I went up to her house and bathed.I reached her house at around 5 plus in the morning.

Sunday,11/05/08: (Mother's Day)

Then at around 6 plus,we stepped out of Priscilla's house then we took bus to Bedok and had our breakfast over there and after which we took bus to EXPO.Priscilla accompanied me to EXPO.

After the service,we,Pris,me,Joy,Jun,Andrew's dad,Andrew drove us back to Jun's house and then we celebrated Mother's Day.

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