Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day and Janelle Birth...

15 JUNE 2008, SUNDAY :

Today is Sunday and mummy went to hospital cos she in labour so she and daddy did not attend the service.

Today,only me,Pris,Joy and Wein came for service.

This morning around 5:52am,I received daddy's sms telling me that :

Dear Family, Jun's having contractions n i'm sending her to the hospital now. Pls pray for a supernatural delivery-quick,short,easy,painless. Enthrone with us LORD JESUS as the Great Physician who will deliever baby janelle safely into our arms. We're counting on your prayers :) thank u! :)

Today service talked about "Jesus the Bread of Life." After the service,Pris and I went to had our lunch after that we took train back as we both working 3pm.

At 2.31pm,daddy's sms telling me that :

Dear Family, thank you for your prayers n concern. We're happy to announce the birth of baby janelle,weighing in at 3.2kg. We're all doing great. Praise the Lord!

During my dinner break,I called daddy and asked how is mummy?Daddy told me that mummy is resting and very tired cos the night she did not have a good sleep cos around 2 in the morning, mummy felt the pain...

After we put down the phone,I sms daddy wishing him happy father's day... and he reply me this at 6.58pm :

Yah..truly father's day..So nice..Thank you :)

Oh ya...btw,Baby Janelle born at 1.32pm...

P/S : Will upload Baby Janelle photo when I went to visit mummy on this coming Thursday...
Yeah ! Yeah !


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