Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pictures of Baby Janelle (2)

Hey Sista In-Christ,

This is baby Janelle which was taken yesterday by daddy and I have received it today and here the picture of Baby Janelle...

Here are some words from daddy and mummy :

Dear family and friends,

Thank you for showering us with your prayers, gifts and well-wishes the past week as we celebrate the arrival of baby Janelle Pang. Jun and I were overwhelmed by all your love and concern throughout this time. It’s been over one week and I praise God that Jun has been recovering well and baby Janelle is growing beautifully each day.

Parenthood has been keeping us busy and we haven’t got the opportunity to meet up to thank each of you personally. Hence, Jun and I would like to invite you Janelle’s Baby Dedication on 12 July. It will be followed by a humble buffet lunch and a time for baby Janelle to see all of you wonderful uncles and aunties, who has showered so much love on her. We will be following up with a formal invite in the coming week.

Meanwhile, I’ve attached 2 pictures of baby Janelle for you as a ‘sneak preview’. The first one was when she was 2 days old and the other’s taken yesterday.

Till then, we look forward to meeting up with you on 12 July!

God bless you.

Jun, Andrew and baby Janelle

P/S : The first picture which daddy took when she was2 days old is being post on 18/06...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pictures of Baby Janelle

Hey Sista In Christ,
This is mummy and daddy's daughter,baby Janelle...Who is born at 1.32pm on 15 JUNE 2008,Sunday...
Cute little girl... :)
This coming Thursday,we won't be going down to mummy's place as letting them settle down maybe next week,we will be going down and will take more pictures...ya ya...
Love and God Bless,

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day and Janelle Birth...

15 JUNE 2008, SUNDAY :

Today is Sunday and mummy went to hospital cos she in labour so she and daddy did not attend the service.

Today,only me,Pris,Joy and Wein came for service.

This morning around 5:52am,I received daddy's sms telling me that :

Dear Family, Jun's having contractions n i'm sending her to the hospital now. Pls pray for a supernatural delivery-quick,short,easy,painless. Enthrone with us LORD JESUS as the Great Physician who will deliever baby janelle safely into our arms. We're counting on your prayers :) thank u! :)

Today service talked about "Jesus the Bread of Life." After the service,Pris and I went to had our lunch after that we took train back as we both working 3pm.

At 2.31pm,daddy's sms telling me that :

Dear Family, thank you for your prayers n concern. We're happy to announce the birth of baby janelle,weighing in at 3.2kg. We're all doing great. Praise the Lord!

During my dinner break,I called daddy and asked how is mummy?Daddy told me that mummy is resting and very tired cos the night she did not have a good sleep cos around 2 in the morning, mummy felt the pain...

After we put down the phone,I sms daddy wishing him happy father's day... and he reply me this at 6.58pm :

Yah..truly father's day..So nice..Thank you :)

Oh ya...btw,Baby Janelle born at 1.32pm...

P/S : Will upload Baby Janelle photo when I went to visit mummy on this coming Thursday...
Yeah ! Yeah !


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sermon...15 JUNE 2008


It's about John 6:26-40.

The Topic is "The Bread of Life" by Apostle Lawrence Khong.

3 Important Truth that Jesus,The Bread of Life :

#1 The Bread of Life last forever - Be Wise !

#2 The Bread of Life is not gained but given - Believe !

#3 The Bread of Life removes all hunger - Be Hungry !

Monday, June 9, 2008

Sermon...8 JUNE 2008


It's about John 2:1-11

The Topic is "Knock Knock,Who's there?" by Rev. Eugene Seow.

How can I be a "surprise Ambassadar" for Jesus today? :

* There are 3 steps:

#1. By being there - Lending a hand with heart. (Availability)

#2. By speaking to Jesus - Lifting a prayer of faith. (Availability)

#3. By lending people - Looking ahead in vision. (Authenticity)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Praise and Worship Songs...8 JUNE 2008

This is the video which I took on the website...

The praise and worship songs on 8 June 2008,(9am service).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sermon...1 JUNE 2008


It's about the Book of John...

The topic is "Starting Points." by Apostle Lawrence Khong.

* There are 3 starting Points :

#1. There is an Eternal God who created us.

#2. Jesus Christ is the Eternal God who lived among us.

#3. God has revealed His truth and grace to us.

Praise and Worship Songs...1 JUNE 2008

This is the video which I took on the The Praise and Worship songs on 1 June 2008,(9am service).

There is also special guest coming on 1 June 2008,it's the Jackson Family...Feel so blessed being hearing their music... "We are Family" etc...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Pictures taken on Daddy's b'day

Celebration on Daddy's B'day on 1 JUNE 2008.

P/S : Other's picture will be uploading to u,all when I get the pictures from our fellow sista,Yu Ting.


God bless You.

Daddy's B'day Cake --- Blackforest Cake

Smiling Mummy & Stern Daddy

So Stern... mummy & daddy

Blur blur vision of mummy & daddy.

Loving mummy & daddy.

From the left : Yu Ting, mummy, daddy, Wayne, Priscillia

From the right : Priscillia, Wayne, daddy, mummy, Yu Ting.

Daddy pose with the present that we bought.

Hai,turning face daddy to pose.

Moving pose of the present...

HEE HEE!!! Daddy

ERM...Wat's daddy doing?...covering his chin...Wondering...

Wow...It's a ...HMM....

Daddy gonna write???

Daddy,what u covering of???

Daddy,r u doing something mischief unto your nose? Wahaha...

Taken when going back home travelling by cab --- Spinning Wheel?

Daddy B'day...

This is the Video that taken on 1 JUNE 2008 at Haig Courts...Celebrating Andrew's Birthday...

Happy Birthday,daddy... ( :

Happy Events...