Monday, April 14, 2008

6 April 2008 Service

This is the Psalm of 84.

Title:From Strength to Strength

Speaker: Apostle Lawrence Khong

JOSHUA 14:10-11

10 "Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the desert. So here I am today, eighty-five years old!

11 I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just as vigorous to go to battle now as I was then.

* Example of Caleb give us a sense of HOPE.

*What an inspiration,what a hope to give to us that it is possible to run our race and become stronger and stronger in God, and we are able to take on a tougher and tougher assignment from God.

*Question is How can that be?

Answer is in Ps 84:1-12.

+ It is possible to move from strength to strength.

Will contiune to update in the later of the day...cos' it's too late le.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hey hey...Finally back...Haha...


Hello my fellow sista in Christ,

I'm finally back to Church as 1 year didn't attend much service due to my Retail work.

God did not leave me alone,in fact He loves me and bless me with a good boyfriend and sista...
God is so good to me and I love God with all my heart.

Now,I no longer working le so can spend more time to study God's word and do God's work.

Now,currently I'm looking for office job.

Today,I went for chinese service at 11am and so happy and blessed.

Due to Andrew not feeling well,Joy,Yilin and I went down to their place and visit them.

Thanks to mummy for her prayer.

When I'm back to my grandma's house,and I online,my friend's brother online and helped me to ask his company whether they have vanacy for Operation Logistic.

And also Steven asked me in MSN whether I want to work at his sister work place not.

I felt so blessed.Thank God for his blessing.