Thursday, April 26, 2007

Testimony In April: Easter Miracle Services-Live out your Miracle Story

By Jun

Here's a short write-up on God's goodness to FCBC.

Jesus has answered all our prayers for the Miracle Weekend! Continue to love Jesus. For He loves you so very deeply.



Testimony In March: Love Jesus

By Jun

God answered all our prayers for encounter weekend!
Praise Him who is worthy and faithful!



Thursday, April 5, 2007

ITE Result being released

By Alicia

Hi sista,

This morning, my result is being released and I just seen my results and wana thank God for His wisdom upon me and His strength to be with me.

I get 3.6 for my G.P.A and for my industrial attachments, I get A, my office IT, I get A, my social skills and grooming, I get B, my thinking and problem solving, I get S, Career Development and plan, I get S and lastly my Sports and wellness, I get S.

A: excellent
B:very good

Really wana thank mummy for helping me, coaching me. Wana thank you all for praying for me and all my praises, I gonna give to most highly and mighty God, Jesus.